said mentoring helped them develop a positive relationship with someone at work
said mentoring allowed them to contribute to the success of their organisation
said mentoring helped them to enhance skills they needed to perform their job
said mentoring positively influenced their desire to stay at their organisation
of mentors said that their mentoring relationship in MentorcliQ was very useful
With MentorcliQ’s business mentoring software, you can easily launch, manage, track, and scale your mentoring program. From traditional paired mentoring to more modern group mentoring and reverse mentoring, take the guesswork out of matching mentees and mentors up by using our intelligent proprietary matching algorithm. Through our configurable platform, you control who joins, how people connect, what larger organizational programs you connect mentoring to, and what measures to track to prove success.
MentorcliQ customers rate us the highest in overall satisfaction,
ease of use, features, and value for the money.
Request a demo and let one of our mentoring experts show you around the platform.
Available on any device
including mobile.
Support multiple program formats such as 1:1, group mentoring, quick connections coaching sessions, and more.
Integrate with the technology
your people already use.
Support privacy with
GDPR compliance.
MentorcliQ supports security with
SOC 2, Type II, ISO 27001 infrastructure.
11+ languages make mentoring
easy in any location.
MentorcliQ offers certified
training for mentors,
automated support for users,
and best practice guides for